
research projects

The following research projects are founded by the ANR (Agence Nationale pour la Recherche, France) and the FCT (Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia, Portugal).

Stochgeome : "From Stochastic Geometric Mechanics to Mass Transportation Problems''.  2015-2018
FCT Project  PTDC/MAT-­STA/0975/2014
:   "Stability for the asymptotic behavior of PDEs, stochastic processes and their discretization". 2013-2017
ANR project ANR-12-BS01-0019
GeMeCoD :  "Geometry of Convex and Discrete Measures".   2012-2015
ANR project  ANR-11-BS01-0007
EVOL : "Dissipative Evolutions and Convergence to Equilibrium". 2009-2012
ANR project ANR-08-BLAN-0242
IFO  :  "Functional inequalities, probability theory and partial differential equations".  2006-2008
ANR project  ANR-05-BLAN-0070. My colleagues: P. Cattiaux, J. Dolbeault, I. Gentil and A. Guillin and myself have initiated and organized this project.

anr logo      FCT  
MME-DII :  "Modèles Mathématiques et Économiques de la Dynamique, de l’Incertitude et des Interactions". 2012-2018 (or more)
Together with Nathanaël Enriquez and in collaboration with  Arnaud Lefranc (UCP), I was involved in designing the  contribution of my math research team  Modal-X  to the  MME-DII  Labex project.
Together with Sylvie Roelly (Potsdam University, Germany), I managed the French-German doctoral college "Applications of Stochastic Processes" sponsored by the  Franco-German University (UFA, DFH) during the period 2006-2012.  It was aimed at promoting exchanges between doctoral students in mathematics and their advisers from Potsdam and Paris Ouest universities.